Shame on me for not updating in so long!
Well, the race was AMAZING! it was Oct 18 in San Francisco and I loved it. Something clicked in me too - which is really exciting. Even though this was my second race, it was THIS time that something clicked and I now have a real passion for running. I'm addicted! I did well in SF too - I was pretty happy with it. I wanted to run it in under 3 hours, since I was at 3:54:00 last time. I was at 3:33 this time and I was happy with it since the hills were MAJOR. Without the hills, I would've been under 3 no problem. There's no way for us Green Bay peeps to train for SF hills, unless we flew to SF every month. LOL.
More importantly, the TNT delegation was huge. Wisconsin runners raised more than $100,000 in SF, and overall, TNT has raised more than $14 billion. I love being part of such a great organization and knowing that I'm doing something to make a difference in someone's life.
I've heard from many people during my time with TNT but what many people don't know is that the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society helps patients with expenses. Many organizations strictly focus on funding research -which is also a huge part of LLS's mission. But, in addition to that, LLS also helps people by reducing the stress they are feeling so they don't have to worry so much about the expense.
I can understand that so well. My dad doesn't have to worry about the expense. Every cent of his treatment and medication is covered by the VA hospital since it's believed his disease is likely due to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. Because of this, he never has to think twice about going to the doctor for a check-up. He doesn't have to worry where the money will come from for insurance or tests. That's a freedom few people facing cancer can realize. But, LLS gives people that freedom. We heard from a 23 year old woman who at 9 years old learned her mom had Hodgkins Lymphoma. At 19, she found out her dad also had Hodgkins. Fortunately, both her mom and dad are survivors today. But that's not the end-- at 22 she found out she had non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. As a new college graduate, she was paying her own insurance premiums. But, after applying for assistance through LLS, she received a check in the mail for $1,000 -enough to cover her insurance premiums --allowing her to focus on treatment and getting well, not worrying about how to pay for her insurance.
Obviously, LLS and TNT makes a huge impact on me. More importantly, it makes an impact on thousands and thousands of people who look to LLS for research, clinical trials, grants and emotional support.
I look forward to participating in my next TNT event --fall 2010. Thank you for your support through all the training and fundraising.