Hey everyone. I'm on "vacation," so they say. Ha ha. I've been working on the fundraiser pretty much nonstop. Sent out 40+ letters yesterday to family and contacts for donations and thank yous. Oi. That took a while. Then, distributed donation jars around town. Big KUDOS to the BP stations. They are so supportive.
Distributed flyers in a few neighborhoods yesterday. I so hope that doesn't upset anyone. If you received a flyer, please know it's all good intentions! I'm doing anything and everything I can to raise the $4,100.
Today, called 45 buinesses to follow up on a letter I sent. I'm on a big drive to get 10 businesses to donate $200 each. Sounds easy --but in this economy, it's harder than you think. Talked to many nice people today, and many lovely voice mail boxes. I see follow up calls in my future. :)
Next: more flyering and rummage sale sorting and pricing.
Gotta add: Multimedia Communications and Engineering is a really classy company. Seriously. They are doing a construction project on my block this week and next. Oops - right around my fundraiser sale. I called the hotline and a guy came right out to meet with me. Next, comes the project leader. They found a way to work around my entire block so they are done and gone before my sale my Friday. Is that cool or what? They were so supportive of the fundraiser and didn't want to deter traffic. Big thanks to them!
Donate online at http://pages.teamintraining.org/wi/nikesf09/vbaumler .